UFO contact Alex Collier interviewed by Rick Keefe (5 of 12)
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ZaAtet (hace 4 semanas) Mostrar Ocultar
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Live in the present
MrDuffy81 (hace 4 semanas) Mostrar Ocultar
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"The future is being created every day... and it's being changed every day; based on our thoughts."

Don't forget to remember this.
Jonaldinho13 (hace 2 meses) Mostrar Ocultar
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"hidden agendas" can you say the ILLUMANTI!!!!!!
insectstorm0 (hace 2 meses) Mostrar Ocultar
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Time travel is possible a test was done on board a 747 in the early ninties with a atomic clock the clock was nano seconds ahead of the network atomic on the ground. When things go really fast thats when people can time travel in bigger times.
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maybe cause we are just different from them, thats all.
owen0334 (hace 2 meses) Mostrar Ocultar
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earlier he said they are always happy and don't have the other emotions that humans have...this is total bs
danielsil15 (hace 2 meses) Mostrar Ocultar
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he said they are happy people, not that they are always happy. Then he says they have emotions but not as intense like us. Listen carefully and wake up. It's close minded people like you that doesn't want to accept the truth. He even predicted that something had to happen on 2001. What else do you need to hear
trueway567 (hace 2 meses) Mostrar Ocultar
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tackhead1111 (hace 2 meses) Mostrar Ocultar
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Time travel? interesting to hear but, i just doubt it sorry?
erofereht (hace 4 meses) Mostrar Ocultar
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Whereas I don't necessarily agree that someone should have to go to such lengths to display proof, I do, though, think they should be able to provide much more than just their "story". Anyone including myself could do just that.
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De: eyes4ears
Antigüedad: hace 1 año
Vídeos: 60
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Añadido: 11 de marzo de 2007 (Más información)
In 1994, Rick Keefe interviewed alien contactee...
Añadido: 11 de marzo de 2007 (Menos información)
In 1994, Rick Keefe interviewed alien contactee Alex Collier. This is the fifth installment of the interview which had to be divided into 12 sections due to space limitations. For more details, see the following URL:
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